Thursday, July 3, 2008

Drug to stop acne and best acne skin care

The best way to do this is to wash your acne ridden skin daily. Here's the important thing: whatever you do ensure that you do not use any form of rough cloth on your skin as this will irritate your acne and potentially cause more complication. Another important thing to remember is to never ever, under any circumstance attempt to scratch, pick or pop any form of acne. This can lead to scarring and potentially spreading of acne. If your acne spreads, you are being counter productive, so ensure you never do this. Another massive factor in acne treatment is your diet.
There are also natural herbal remedies that you can use to tackle this problem effectively from within. Essential oils can work very well for back acne, one such oil is lavender. Witch hazel which is another strong ingredient has astringent properties that helps to effectively cleanse your skin.
A friend, who was suffering from acute acne and was keeping absent from the classes, asked me the other day, "Does drinking water get rid of acne?" She told me that she is drinking a lot of water these days and was hopeful about getting a relief soon. My answer made her happy and gave her some hope. I told her that drinking a lot of water may help gradually improve the situation and may give relief from acne and related inflammation, although it is not the exact cure for acne. In fact, there is not absolute cure for it at all.
tags: are negative emotions causing my acne, fighting acne from hormones but yet had cancer, fungus cream for acne

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