Thursday, October 2, 2008

Can zoloft cause acne

« ...Anti-inflammatory drugs will not actually get rid of acne as the bacteria that causes the spot is not destroyed or removed. However, those people who find that antibiotic treatments can cause the onset of yeast infections, may prefer to use anti-inflammatory medications that can provide a significant improvement in the appearance of their acne....
...Studies show that there are numerous factors that could affect the growth of acne in one's face. But there are also many ways to effectively remove acne. Acne removal tips vary from natural herbs to the most expensive medical treatment available. There is also do-it-yourself acne removal techniques which only involves the use of ingredients commonly found in the kitchen. Whether you opt to remove your acne using traditional inexpensive methods or modern technology's way, make sure that you have read a lot about the different options that are available for acne removal....»

«...As time goes on, you may find that your acne scars lighten by themselves, so that you don't need to cover them up forever. If they don't go away, you can opt for medical treatment to remove them, or continue to wear makeup specifically designed to conceal these types of imperfections....»
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tags: bad acne is caused by what, dead sea salt acne skin care, causes of female adult acne

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