Saturday, September 27, 2008

How can i get rid of acne scars

« ...Acne affects both men and women, but it is important to realize that there are several differences between the two. For instance, men are more likely than women to suffer from more severe and longer lasting forms of acne. Young women are more likely to have intermittent acne due to hormonal changes that happen because of their menstrual cycle and other hormone fluctuating times in their lives, such as during pregnancy....
...Many of these remedies provide a reasonable solution for many people, at least in the short term. But the trouble with most of these treatments is that they have side effects. Because they aim to cure your condition by drying up the excess moisture inside the spots, invariably they also add to the dryness of the skin surrounding the spots as well. This often produces further irritation, which brings the process full circle with further outbreaks of acne....»
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«...If Helen of Troys face could launch a thousand ships, I reckon she probably has beautiful radiant skin. No one would consider a person, man and woman alike, stunning if their facial skin is blemished with acne. Ashtons life could have been entirely different if Demi Moores face is blemished with zits and acne. Demi, even at 46 still has a beautiful facial skin which makes her look younger than her age. Skin is definitely a huge factor in judging a persons beauty. ...»
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tags: get rid of small acne scars fast, water in fighting acne, low estrogen pills that help acne

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