Monday, August 4, 2008

Best cleaners for teenage acne and wash face exercise acne

For acne that is cause by menstruation Vitamin B-6 is important as it can help regularly maintain the proper metabolism of the increased release of hormones.Some acne alternative treatments that may be applied directly to the skin include a honey facial. This is done by putting uncooked honey onto ones face and leaving it on the skin for five to ten minutes. Honey is said to revitalize the skin. Alternately tea tree oil may be applied to the skin. This has been said to impede bacteria from growing on the skin. Exfoliants may be used to treat acne and pimples. Glycolic acid and lactic acid are alpha-hydroxyl acids that are found in citrus fruits. It is suggested that they lessen dead skin cells from building up. Therefore lemon juice can be mixed with water and applied to the face. The juice should be allowed to dry on the skin for up to ten minutes and then is should be rinsed off. If one has sensitive skin more water may be required to the blend so the individual doesn't experience too much of a "burning" sensation.
Acne is most common in adolescent boys , but it can occur in both sexes and at all ages. The tendency to acquire acne is inherited. The condition commonly appears at puberty and can continue for many years. Three out of four teenagers have acne to some extent, probably caused by hormonal changes that activate the sebaceous (oil secreting) skin glands. Other hormonal changes that happen with menstrual periods, pregnancy, use of birth control pills, or stress, also aggravate acne.
Acne is the term used to describe plugged pores of the skin. It can affect people of all ages, races and genders. Most people struggle with acnes during some period of the life usually teenage years. Acne is the pimples (white heads and blackheads) and even deeper lumps that are found on the face, neck, chest, back, and upper arms. Acne is not a life threatening condition but is can be devastating to the patient. It can lead to scarring and disfiguring with even the mildest cases. There are many treatment options for those who suffer from acne. The treatment used depends on the type and severity of the acne.
tags: anybody tried neutrogena's acne mark fading peel, acne cleansers with glycolic acid, acne like rash on face, neck and chest

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