Monday, August 4, 2008

Top acne products for teens and different types of acne scars

I'm now happy to report my face is smooth and clear once again! Now, I realize that my situation may not be the the same for other acne sufferers, but the story seems worth telling for the purpose of looking at our diet first in solving health issues of any kind. The next time your body starts to change in a way that is displeasing, steer clear of the quick chemical fixes and look to nature to solve all ill wills!
If you begin eating more fruits and vegetables, consuming more natural foods as a replacement for the junk food, this will help you fight acne breakouts at the main source within your body.
It's also a great idea to seek the help of professionals. Naturopaths have lots of vitamins, herbs and gentle cleansers that can work wonders. The very expensive prescription medicine Accutane is actually derived from plain old Vitamin A. You can absorb high doses of Vitamin A for predetermined periods under a naturopath's care, along with other vitamins and herbs and potentially clear up your skin without the side effects of Accutane, which, if you are female, can consist of birth defects in your infant should you become pregnant while taking the drug.
tags: how to know if my acne is getting better, best proven acne cure, gena rapid clear acne defense face lotion

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